Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Sad if True

A Washington Post/ABC news poll indicates that, by close to a 2 to 1 margin, Americans think that the nuclear deal taking shape with Iran is a good thing ... see: Washington Post Article. Although there are a few bright spots in these poll results (almost 60% feel that such a deal won't prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon), the poll shows why the Obama administration is hell-bent on this bit of insane appeasement. Fortunately, Congress seems not quite so lemming-like.

Teddy Roosevelt claimed that the president has a "bully pulpit" to get his ideas across. Can we revise this thought just a bit?  Apparently, the president can also bully the American people into sealing their own sad fate.

For a much more rational assessment of these negotiations, read Paul Mirengoff's thoughts in the Powerline Blog.

God, I hope we walk away from this insanity ... even though John Kerry is beseeching a different almighty for a different result ... see: The Gateway Pundit.

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