Thursday, February 26, 2015

Paper Shredder

Not only has Congress lost the ability to control the U.S. borders with Emperor Obama's blanket amnesty of some 5 million illegal immigrants ... it has also lost the leverage to legislate what happens with the Internet with today's decision of the Federal Communication Commission effectively to nationalized this popular technology  ... see: MSN Story ... and, most disturbingly, it apparently has also lost its precious power of the purse. Obama's Treasury Department has recently permitted the spending of three billion dollars that was not authorized by any Congressional appropriation to compensate favored health insurers under Obamacare ... see: Washington Examiner Article.

Clearly this administration's gradual usurpation of the powers granted to Congress by our Constitution is illegal and purposeful  ... particularly since there has been very little public push-back against all these mounting autocratic outrages. Apparently the American public is too consumed with bread and circus ... and the melange of media distractions that this administrations mixes up on a daily basis.

However, what is most frightening is that the pace of these Constitutional abuses is clearly escalating in these last two years of Potentate Obama's administration ... if it can't nullify the guns of the Second Amendment, it just outlaws the bullets ... see: Washington Examiner Story ... if it can't stop Iran from getting atomic weaponry, it might be OK to delay it for a few more months ... or even, what good is NATO anyway if we have to protect Poland? The question then becomes ... how can these abusive power grabs be stopped ... or, for that matter, do we have the stomach even to attempt such nullifications? The media is too embarrassed by its support of this despot  ... the courts are too slow ... Congress is too worried about charges of racism ... and the American public is too obsessed with Bruce Jenner's transmogrification and Joe Biden's transgressions.

Maybe Bibi Netanyahu might have a shot of waking us up with his talk in front of Congress next week? Nah, it will just be downplayed by the media as sour grapes.


DEN said...

The President, Cabinet and both Houses of Congress should resign; they are worse than impotent at a time when we need leadership, consensus and courage. The fact that CPAC straw poll has chosen Rand Paul for the past 3 years shows that conservatives are still too clueless to be trusted with any power.

George W. Potts said...

Your knee is jerking ...