Thursday, February 19, 2015


Pretty much one of the few people who comments on this blog is a wag who goes by the handle, DEN. And although this Fletcher's Castoria blog averages over one hundred hits a day, this same fellow claims that this large readership coupled with the dearth of comments is only because of all the labels I attach to each entry. This in turn causes random searchers around the world to find their way here.  (Possibly so ... but I  do see definite geographic patterns in my audience.)

However, I have another theory ... spawned from my oversize ego ... and that is my writings often cross the boundary of what many readers want to admit are their own private views (some may even admire Dick Cheney or Sarah Palin) ... yet are currently socially unacceptable in polite company. Ergo, my audience finds vicarious escape in reading those opinions which they would rather not admit to publicly ... and thus are loath to comment on.

Then again, I could be wrong.

(Notice that DEN seldom writes a comment that agrees with my expressed sentiment.)

Feel free to support or disagree with my loopy ideas with your comments ... and prove DEN wrong.


Anonymous said...

Even Monkeys could type a blog I agree with given enough time.

DEN said...

Given the previous comment, I am willing to admit that I am not the ONLY one who sometimes actually reads the blog....except when the topic is economics.
I toss down the challenge gauntlet to anyone else to come forward. Make me wrong. GWP needs your support. Are you out there?

George W. Potts said...

Sheldon ... is this sarcasm?

DEN said...

GWP, maybe they just don't read the comments?

George W. Potts said...

Just as long as they read the blog itself ...