Friday, May 23, 2014

The Enforcer

Senator Schumer

Upchuck Schumer has just issued a Putin-like threat ... if Congress doesn't pass immigration reform by the end of July, then President Obama will act unilaterally to implement his own reform package ... see: The Hill Story. I suspect (and hope) that this bit of Gestapo-like extortion may be just New York bluster.

But what if it isn't?

If it isn't, then the Democrats will have trashed our 240-year old Republic for the sake of perpetual Democrat governance.  I sincerely doubt that this would be tolerated by the American voters.

 But then again ...  this slime-ball enforcer's calculus might be that this outrage could well be, alas, too late to be rectified.

Afterward: Despite the fact that he was once a college lecturer on the Constitution, he apparently has even more problems with our great document than its separation of powers language. He now avers that Congress was ill-constructed by our founding fathers ... see: Washington Times article.

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