Thursday, May 01, 2014

Flat Line

The United States reported yesterday its first quarter GDP growth at 0.1% … see: My Way News Story. Wow ... a measly 0.1%! This is clearly flat-line economic growth after 4.5 years of mucho-trillions of dollars of fiscal pump-priming by this administration and the unprecedented monetary expansion by our Federal Reserve Bank. This anemic financial news, instead of being reported by banner front-page headlines in the New York Times was relegated to the “Business Day” sub-section of this Obama public relations rag.

Can the media suppress this bad news until after this fall’s elections? Sure … it has a quiver full of Obama’s distracting phony stories to mitigate such voter downsides … the war on women, increasing the minimum wage, rampant racism, the Koch brothers, immigration reform, etc. Yes, the stock market is up substantially since 2009 … primarily due to the Federal Reserve Bank’s easy-money policies. Yes, “reported” unemployment is down to 6.7% … mainly because over three million otherwise-employable adults have dropped out of the work force … see: Christian Science Monitor Story.

It is clear as glass that this administration cares not a twit about economic growth or reducing real unemployment. There are a plethora of levers that they could pull to improve things … meaningful tax reform, oking the Keystone pipeline, more international trade reforms … particularly in the Far East and in Latin America, reducing bureaucratic regulations, reforming entitlements, streamlining government, etc.... none of which seem to be being grabbed.

Actually when one ponders this anemic economic growth, one could easily justify this 0.1% number just with the extravagant spending that taxpayers are footing to keep the Obama clan living in the luxurious style to which they have become accustomed … see: WND Story.

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