Saturday, May 18, 2013


The Clintons' live in a parallel universe … one devoid of rules and consequences. If something is verboten, they feign not understanding German.  No misdeed on their part cannot be circumvented without some clever turn of a phrase (meaning of "is") … or a phone call to a “back-scratcher.”  America has seen these shameless shenanigans so many times from these well-greased weasels that we have learned to sigh and change the subject. After all, “What difference, at this point, does it make?”

Now we have another bending of the system… Hillary Clinton’s amanuensis, Huma Abedin, the wife of disgraced Congressman, “Weiner” Weiner, had apparently been given a special dispensation by our former Secretary of State to hold two jobs at once … one on the taxpayers' dime and one as a well-paid “consultant” (lobbyist? … I think this is illegal, but who’s counting?)  See: NY Times Story.  But then, this cute couple needs to pay for their new $3.3 million apartment ... see NY Post Story.

If “Weiner” Weiner moves next year into Gracie Mansion (as NYC Mayor), I suppose Huma will assume at least one more well-paid city sinecure … perhaps as dogcatcher?

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