Monday, May 20, 2013


From time to time the I-word, impeachment, is whispered in the halls of power (see: National`Review Story).  But Rush Limbaugh was right today when he predicted that President Obama will never be impeached in the House … let alone convicted in the Senate.  The reason being is that he is a black man … and the first black President to boot.  A large segment of America would not tolerate such a development … both because it proves their voting logic flawed ... but it would also brand our body politic as racists.  This is a very dangerous situation … because, if Obama understands that he has been thusly inoculated (and I suspect he does), it gives him great license to do almost anything he wants.

Already we have numerous festering administration scandals in various stages of discovery.  Obama’s posture in all these malfeasances is that he either was somewhere else … or that he found out about them in the national media. This, as we all know, is called "plausable deniability" which is, of course, ridiculous ... but our dumbed-down American public seems quite willing to accept his lame excuses.  They are distressed about these scandals, but once Obama avers that “we will hold the guilty parties accountable,” “we will work with Congress to remedy these problems,” and “we will not keep back any pertinent information in these investigations;”  they swoon and hold him harmless.  Even if there turns out to be a smoking gun in one or more of these scandals, Obama is likely still to escape cupability unscathed.

But the real point of this blog posting is that, being “untouchable” and being of questionable character, President Obama and his posse are likely to escalate the ruthlessness of their future Constitutional tramplings until the very foundation of our republic is threatened. 

Three and one half years is a very long time for them to concoct such mischief.

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