Monday, January 23, 2023

Woke Posers


Must we cleave our society to achieve racial harmony?

Why do our children really need to be educated in the fundamentals?

Must we all freeze to death to free the world of carbon?’

Aren’t  borders unnecessary?

Should we allow our children to be groomed in order to prove our commitment to inclusion?

Must we deny our history to create an imagined utopia?

Should we render all our wealth “unto Caesar?”

Are all perversions good perversions?

Does government decide what words mean … or what and how we can communicate?

Must we bow to globalism and a non-elected world governance?

Is “science” always right … even if it is wrong?

Do elites deserve a different set of rules and a more lenient justice system?

Are hardened criminals our equals?

Who fact-checks the fact checkers?

Are our citizens’ worth to be measured by their “social scores?”

Does it take a village to raise our children?


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