Friday, January 20, 2023

More on Gravity


Pilgrim, I have written before on why I believe gravity has been getting stronger … see: Heavy Stuff.. being that dinosaurs disappeared at least once … reappeared … and finally disappeared again only to be replaced by much smaller land animals … tells me that it is axiomatic that increased gravity on Earth prevented their reappearance.

One of my speculations on why this has occurred involves Einstein’s statements that increased speed reduces distances and causes time to slow down. This coupled with the fact that our universe is expanding at an ever increasing rate leads me to my lemma:

Speed is measured by distance over time … so Einstein’s assertions influences both numerator and denominator equally … and thus the expanding universe does not affect speed. Not so acceleration which is distance over time squared. So … because time is squared … making a smaller time number exponentially smaller … acceleration gets much larger in an expanding universe..

Gravity is a measure of acceleration (32 feet per second square). Thus, I surmise the acceleration of an expanding universe results in increased gravity everywhere.

A physicist complains — gravity is a separate event from acceleration!

I respond — gravity is a measure of acceleration … and if acceleration is affected by the increasing speed of the expanding universe, is not gravity also so affected?

Now comes the zinger! If our gravity is increasing because of an accelerating universe, what happens when this expansion stops accelerating? Stops altogether? Starts constricting? Starts contracting with negative acceleration?

At what point would gravity deminish or even disappear?

Afterward: Really crazy idea … could Superman (or UFOs) defy gravity by decelerating at an almost infinite rate?


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