Saturday, April 02, 2022

Virtual Zuck

During his company-mandated annual medical checkup, it was discovered that Mark Zuckerberg had partially morphed into his own virtual reality … his doctor couldn’t find a heartbeat! Aides around him speculate that this transmogfracation must have then started shortly after Facebook had changed its name to Meta and it’s mission to be the alpha dog of the metaverse.

These same aides disclosed that “Zuck” had been spending an inordinate amount of time with the company’s virtual reality goggles on … talking to himself and gesticulating madly.

Then soon thereafter … one morning his wife found nothing but his goggles and underwear on his golden CEO throne … and am eerie smell of ozone lingering in the air. No one has seen his actual self since then … however he is still issuing regular administrative emails to his direct reports … and holds a virtual Zoom staff meeting every Monday afternoon as a hologram.

But, try as they might, the Meta security force cannot identify the venue from which he hosts these virtual meetings … perhaps Oz?


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