Friday, April 01, 2022

Delicate Orchestration


Why have the New York Times and Washington Post finally, after two years, decided to report on Hunter Biden’s “Laptop from Hell?” Well, Pilgrim, speculation is that the grand jury looking into these sordid matters is about to drop the hammer on Hunter and, maybe even his Dad as an unindicted co-conspirator!

Wow! This will be awkward … but speculation is that this gives the puppet masters in DC the chance to cut their strings to “the Big Guy” and give him a one-way ticket back to Wilmington on Amtrak.

This of course means that Kackling Kamala will be running things … an untenable position and one that the American people and other world leaders cannot and will not tolerate. Sooo, kind readers, now comes the delicate process of appointing another Vice President … Hillary or Amy Klobuchar? … before the Dems lose everything in November.

Then of course, Kackling Kamala will be asked to resign (as previously agreed upon) to make way for the puppet masters’ real choice all along.

I know, I know this sounds far fetched! But our country is in extremis and we have little choice but to try to pull off this twin coup. Lots of course can go wrong in this delicate orchestration … and probably will. But, you can be rest assured that something is afoot when the NYT and the WaPo start reporting the real news.

I wish this was all my original thinking, but it isn’t. It is bandied about a lot in the swamp … for very good reason.

Afterward: Jen Psaki’s leaving is another indication that things are moving to the front burner.


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