Saturday, March 27, 2021

Another Tesla Factoid


Our ever-alert government greenies have decreed that auto companies must reduce total carbon emissions. However, they allowed these credits to be fungible ... meaning they could be purchased from other car companies. Now since Tesla autos emit no exhaust fumes, it has sold these emission credits to others ... making a pretty penny in the process.

The history is that Tesla has made over $1.7 billion dollars selling carbon emission credits to General Motors and other auto makers. See: Inside EVs story. Some predict that this piece of idiotic largess will disappear soon. Both the article and I have our doubts ... particularly since Tesla has gone to court to increase these penalties ... see: MSN Story.

By the way, Tesla’s accumulated deficit since its founding is $5.4 billion. (Does anyone remember Control Data? It hardly every reported profits ... yet survived on hype ... kinda like a current EV maker.)


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