Monday, February 08, 2021

Today’s Poser

What do Tom Brady and Donal Trump have in common?

Both are hated by large swaths of America despite ... or possibly because of ... being winners!

(And they like each other.)

Afterward: To complete the comparison ... imagine that Kansas City had rigged the game?



ChillFin said...

They are both teetotalers. They both have strange diets. But as to football, I decry praising the winning QB as have beaten the losing one. Unlike sports such as boxing or tennis, the two QBs are never on the field at the same time. It was conjectured that Brady and his offensive line could rack up 31 points... and they did. In that other matchup, Tampa Bay's defense managed to outwit Maholmes by covering deep downfield as well as all around the pocket. The Tampa Bay defensive coach is the one that squashed KC productivity.

George W. Potts said...

Sounds about me. Brady still did come through. But he still is diminished ... kinda like all Trump ever did was lie?