Wednesday, February 24, 2021

The Politics of Disorder


The United States is in a bit of a mess ... unnerving disorder everywhere. 

We had a pandemic with “scientific” mandates constantly contradicting the previous ones ... to the point where most of us knew not where to turn. Questionable lockdowns have destroyed much of our small business infrastructure.

Then liberal mayors and governors celebrated  a “summer of love” where BLM and Antifa gangs were allowed ... even encouraged ... to ravage our cities as threats of things to come.

Then the drive-by media and Big Tech conspired to shape the news to increase our angst level though hysteria, news suppression and phony numbers.

Next, came the dog’s breakfast of a presidential election where chaos erupted in six battleground states ... distracting from the malfeasance that was taking place in the shadows.

And this was followed by two months of our courts and law inforcement agencies averting their eyes from this disarray. They had no appitite for tidying things up.

Finally came the January 6th Capitol protest which magnified a melange of disturbances into an “insurrection” requiring the National Guard ... after the fact ... to protect us from white nationalists.

Pilgrim, do you begin to see a pattern here?  The left has been using social discombobulation as a way of pushing forward its unpopular agenda while the rest of us are distracted?

To this humble blogger, it is a plain as day.


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