Wednesday, December 02, 2020


“If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.”  — Harry Truman

I know that Washington is populated with grown-up children with big egos and small loyalties. But has there ever been a president who had more people turn on him after pretending to be his loyal aide, relative or friend?

Mary Trump (his niece), Michael Cohen, Omarosa, General Kelly, Brian Kemp, General Mattis, Reince Piebus, Anthony Scaramucci, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Mitt Romney, John Bolton, Chris Christie,  Bob Woodward, Rex Tillerson and many mote ... and now William Barr.

A sniveling bunch of turncoats!



DEN said...

I guess the Kraken was really a Cuttlefish.

You need to honestly ask yourself, "What could have alienated all those people?"

George W. Potts said...

What is even more perplexing ... why would Barr still be pushing for justice in the Russiagate scandal, but not in the current voter fraud one?

DEN said...

Why is Lindsay Graham on your Turncoats list. He's still as deplorable as ever.

George W. Potts said...

Lindsey Graham is an ice-floe jumper. His support for Trump varies with the NYT’s headlines.