Monday, December 07, 2020

A Conundrum

How bad must the Orangeman be? AG Bill Barr has obviously turned on President Trump under the cover of his slow-walked Durham Russia-gate investigation.

Our Attorney General has ignored the rampant Biden corruption uncovered in Hunter Biden’s laptop ... and the multiple country-damaging frauds that have occurred in this past election.

So, is Donald Trump more disgusting than either of these two gigantic evils? Really? Show me the evidence Mr. Barr. We Americans know that Trump cuts corners and is not a Boy Scout ... given all the tell-all books that have tried to take him down.

But what does Barr know that hasn’t been so far revealed? Or is it that Trump made Barr’s job difficult these past few years ... to the point that Barr rejoined the swamp ... or really never left. Does it all come down to a clash of personalities?

If so, William Barr is a lot smaller man than I have taken him to be up till now.


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