Sunday, May 19, 2019

Godlike Integers

In mathematics: 2+2=4 ... but 2.0+2.0 may not = 4.0


Because it could be: 2.0[4]+2.0[3] would = 4.07 or 4.1


(Integers are almost godlike)

Afterthought: I’m not sure that zero cannot be signed ... IMHO +7-7 would better represent +0 ... while -7+7 would signify -0. And, if zero could not be signed, what is the meaning of the absolute value of zero.


DEN said...

"No one gives a shit about integers, or truth." Anon.
"Mathematics has no sense of humor." DEN

George W. Potts said...

Yes, math is humorless, but then so is SNL and late night TV. But it does keep our bridges from falling down ... which is more than can be said for Stephen Colbert.