Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Dope Pope

I don't think I need to add much to all the criticism being directed toward Pope Francis over his attempt to swim in America's political pool ... clearly without his water wings. He recently held a Catholic mass at the border between Mexico and the United States and said that we Americans should be building bridges and not walls. Then he implied that Donald Trump is not a Christian for his pronouncements about illegal immigration from Mexico and Syria. This is the same man who recently called capitalism "the spawn of the devil."

This current Vicar of Christ has done almost nothing to remedy the repulsive pederast evils that are eroding the foundations of his Church ... nor has he rigorously spoken out against the Christian massacres occurring almost daily in the Middle East and Africa. He obviously has rather set his praying priorities so that his special God might smite carbon dioxide, conservatives and capitalists.

I predict that he shall forevermore be known as the Dope Pope ...

Afterward: And he is for Castro, condoms and communism ...


DEN said...

Nah nah nah nah nah nah!

George W. Potts said...

Is this a dis or a kudo?