Sunday, January 04, 2015

Obama Nation Update

Back in early 2008, well before Barack Obama was elected, I made some predictions as to what might happen if this were to occur … see: Obama Nation. I here list those predictions that came true or are close to coming true:

- The U.S. will recognize Hamas
- Taxes will be increased across the board
- The budgets for the Defense Department and U.S intelligence activities will be slashed
- Sharia law will be made a local option throughout the U.S.
- All U.S. soldiers will be out of Iraq and Afghanistan by July 1, 2009
- All wire-taps will be stopped and those who have been tapped will be informed and any such evidence collected will be destroyed
- Illegal immigrants will be granted amnesty and given Social Security benefits
- Presidential pardons – Lynne Stewart and all current and past Guantanamo prisoners
- Oil will hit $200 per barrel
- A national carbon tax will be endorsed by the U.S. and implemented through the U.N. 

9.3 out of 22 isn't a bad batting average.

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