Thursday, October 09, 2014


The stock market has had it's share of volatility over the last three days. The Dow Jones Average was down over 250 points, then up  over 270 points, and now, closing at its lows, down 335 points. (For some reasons see: CNBC Item.) These clearly are wild swings ... but the stock indices have had much larger gyrations in the past years. This, of course, does not reduce the required dose of Pepto Bismol for those who are risk-averse. Like bronco-bull riding, this kind of stock market sends lots of tyro traders limping out of the market.

I cannot predict the future other than to say that things will, at sometime, settle down and go back up. Of course I just can't say when this will happen. So I suggest you follow Warren Buffet's advice and get greedy when others are fearful, and get fearful when others are greedy. However, decoding these market sentiments of fear and greed does get a little tricky sometimes.

I wonder if Obama will hold a press conference tomorrow to brag about the economy?

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