Monday, October 20, 2014

Kicking the Iran Can

Iran wants the atomic bomb … and I have long been of the belief that the United States government (in its current form) wants Iran to have the atomic bomb … no matter what its snively pronouncements. After all it’s not fair that Israel has such a weapon and Iran doesn’t … independent of the fact that Israel would surely only use one defensively while Iran has sworn to use one offensively.

In March of this year we had unilaterally caused the lifting of some international sanctions against Iran which were beginning to bite … in exchange for vague promises out of Iran that they would somehow abandon its nuclear quest. One deadline in July passed for an agreement and now another is looming on November 24. If a deal is forthcoming, it is likely to be so lopsided that the Obama administration may try to circumvent Congressional ratification … see: NY Times Story … since such approval would be exceeding unlikely to happen unless there were stringent constraints on Iran’s nuclear ambitions … which are also exceeding unlikely to happen.

So what will happen later this month? Come on, we all know exactly what will happen … either a thinly-cloaked capitulation by the United States will occur … or no satisfactory agreement will be reached and we will kick the can a little further down the road. I’m betting on the latter.

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