Monday, October 15, 2012

Ice Cube

President Obama faces a bit of a dilemma tomorrow night in his critical debate at Hofstra University with Mitt Romney.  If he emulates his sidekick, Joe Biden, and emotes himself into a fiery frenzy, he will be going across the grain of his carefully-constructed image of Mr. Cool (see my previous blog entry: Mr. Cool).  I am convinced that his seeming unflappable demeanor was a big asset in his run for the Presidency in 2008 ... and for his continued popularity among the viewers of TV shows like The View and The Dave Letterman Show.   Since television is a cool medium, this u-turn in style may have the unintended consequence of sullying his aura, particularly among females (as I am convinced was the result of Biden's debate buffoonery.)

So, tomorrow night, Obama must walk a thin line between being aggressively hot and being passively cool.  I can't predict how he will actually perform, but, if Obama can pull off this tricky maneuver, Romney will be back climbing a steep hill to 270 electoral votes.

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