Wednesday, April 01, 2009


The G20 economic summit is meeting tomorrow in London and there are considerable protestations … marching, breaking windows and invading buildings. Here is a sample of the kind of demonstrations that are taking place. But, there is one problem. It is Socialism and Communism that means not working. But, Capitalism means working your tuckus off. Somebody should really clue these radicals in. By the bye, I wonder how many of these extremists have real jobs?


DEN said...

Capitalism works quite nicely for smart ivy league elites who hoarde the lion's share of the world's resources and wealth. Some of them do work hard to maximize their fortunate (un-earned) head start.
Socialism ideally tries to level the playing field. Unfortunately, it has also proven not to work.

George W. Potts said...

What's left? Barter? Wampum? HoHos?

Capt Hargreaves (Ret.) said...

How about the rich guys agreeing to spread the wealth and power around? Maybe they could acknowledge (in monetary terms) that their contributions are not really worth 100 times the pay of the average worker.
The Bonus execs are already in fear of their lives - do I detect a bloodlust in the air or is it just the way peasants always smell?

George W. Potts said...

Capt., Since your Army retirement pay is quite rich by the standards of the street, I think you should offer up 1/3 of it for the benefit of those very smelly peasants. Otherwise they may just take away all your medals and force you to dress only in mufti.