Tuesday, December 05, 2023



Most religions reflect the notion that somehow payback will be meted out for commuted transgressions. 

America’s original sin was slavery.

And many, including Abraham Lincoln, believed that our Civil War was in payment for this failing.

But may I suggest that it was not enough … as we are also now being punished with Barack Obama.



ChillFin said...

How are we being punished by Obama?

And the USA has two original sins: buying/enslaving black people, and attempting genocide on native Americans and then stealing their land.

George W. Potts said...

Apologizing for and diminishing his country on the world stage …elevating our enemies, particularly China … allowing(and benefitting from?) Biden’s corruption, … raising taxes … neglecting our borders … dividing not uniting … colluding with Russia on nuclear deal … Obamacare … politicizing DOJ and FBI … introducing woke … pissing on Israel … embracing Cuba communism … you finish the long list.

Are you ready to give your land back to the Indians?

George W. Potts said...

After they took a few scalps?