Tuesday, December 05, 2023

An Ai Observation


A while ago I asked Google Bard to solve some simultaneous equations … see: AI Test … which it did correctly. I was impressed.

However, I find it difficult to believe that the Large Language Model could perform such a task unless one of the following occurred:

- it had an escape hatch into a human-programed algorithm designed for suck a query … or

- there was such a human-designed algorithm found in its textual search which it could then drop into ‘execute now’ mode.

Either way I think it disingenuous calling this artificial intelligence since, in either case, the intelligence would have been exogenous.

In other words, Google Bard didn’t design the algorithm itself …  I think there are three human-designed possibilities … it used one of these.

If Google Bard was really smart, it would design its own method of  solution.


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