Sunday, February 20, 2022

Another Stupid List

You might be a looney Liberal IF:

- You wear your COVID mask in the shower

- You have a Rand Paul voodoo doll stuck full of pins

-  You light your Dr. Fauci votive candles when he’s on TV

- You voted for Biden both by mail and in person

- You named your baby boy Kamala

- Your wear wool socks under your Birkenstocks

- You drive your Tesla from the passenger seat

- You order gluten-free semolina pasta

- You have all the Clinton and Obama books on your coffeetable

- You watch The View for your news updates

- You still follow the one-way aisle markers in the supermarket

- You’ve had three COVID booster shots

- You somehow know what Biden is saying

- You GoFunded BLM bail-outs

- You attended Joe and Mika’s wedding

- You never have been thrown off Twitter

- You like Liz Cheney but still hate her father


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