Saturday, August 15, 2020

Today’s Posers

If the Dems thought that it would benefit the GOP, would they be fighting quite so hard for mail-in voting? And why would the Dems then assume that their candidates 
would benefit ... does it have anything to do with capturing tens ... maybe even hundreds of thousands of phantom votes? Or destroying a like number of valid ones for the GOP?

Or, more likely, both?



DEN said...

Phantom voting is an unproven myth. Ballots that get sent to dead people or the wrong address don't get returned. In some states the voter must officially request a mail-in ballot. The fact that some states do a crappy job of managing the voter database does not necessarily mean phantom votes. Several states actually compare signatures on mail in ballots with registration data. Indictments for election fraud are few and not widespread.
According to experts, mail-in might actually benefit GOP because the majority of older voters are GOP and may not want to go physically to stand in line at the polling place during pandemic.
The reasonable solution is requiring proof of citizenship at registration and show of ID at polls. If that is considered voter suppression, I can live with that. Get an ID, America!

ChillFin said...

Yet if Trump wins, the results will be deemed clean and accurate. Funny how that works.

George W. Potts said...

I’m OK with mail-in voting if the voter must request a ballot. It is when states send out ballots pell mell to anyone and everyone that is a recipe for massive fraud. These are the state, mostly Dem-run, were results will be contested. ... and should be.

George W. Potts said...

AND ... votes must be returned individually ... NO ballot harvesting. This is illegal in North Carolina but not California. I wonder why?

DEN said...

I agree, ballot harvesting should be outlawed for all states and territories. Also no automatic sending out of ballots unless requested.

George W. Potts said...

I hate to embarrass you, kind sir, but you agree with Trump ... maybe for the first time.

DEN said...

Even a blind chipmunk occasionally finds an acorn.

George W. Potts said...

Because you agree with him ... or he agrees with you?