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Q-Anon trying to burn down a Portland police station |
It is predictable ... whenever the Masters of the Universe decide to silence any group ... in this case, Q-Anon ... that such group will be of a conservative bent. Somehow the radical left ... ANTIFA, George Soros, BLM, Southern PovertyLaw Center, CNN, etc. ... escape such Orwellian censorship. Dear readers, please check out some details of this “radical right” crackdown: The Guardian Story ... and thank Allah that we have now been saved from viewing such conspiracy theories.
However, I do find it funny that I had never heard of Q-Anon until my ever-alert liberal friends clued me in.
Maybe you need to ask yourself "What else do I not know about?"
"Reddit banned the movement in 2018 for violating its policies against incitement to violence, harassment and doxxing."
Many of your previous conspiracy posers are right out of Q-Anon playbook. Birtherism, Deep State, Arkancide, China intentionally spreading virus, and other hoaxes.
It seems that your dingbat dogma dictates — all conspiracies are evil ... except the Q-Anon one you have latched onto. Your knowledge of the conspiracies you mention is as shallow as mine was (and still is) of Q-Anon. (BTW, reddit is, like most social media, infected by the radical left cancer and its suppression of free speech.)
Sidebar comment: As you know I look at a lot of reddit Pics a lot to find good images to republish. I can’t recall ever seeing a political image favoring the right ... but lots slamming it. Now I understand why ...
QAnon is more than a conservative voice as stated in the very article you point to:
...whose followers believe that Donald Trump is waging a secret battle against a satanic “deep state” cabal of Democrats, celebrities and powerful figures such as Bill Gates and George Soros who run the world while engaging in pedophilia, human trafficking and the harvesting of a supposedly life-extending chemical from the blood of abused children.
QAnon was identified as a potential domestic terrorism threat by the FBI and has been linked to numerous attempted acts of violence.
Lock 'em up!
You never heard of this group because you live under a Breitbart rock. Time to climb out of your radical hole and smell the liberty growing throughout this country. And how's your buddy Steve Bannon doing this morning. You know the guy Trump said he hardly knows and was totally against the group raising private money to build the war. Yet Don Junior gave an endorsement speech for the group and Trump himself said it has his blessing. Oh what tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive.
I guess I need to investigate this group further. The degree of the vitriol directed against this “potential” terrorist group suggests that there might be something there ... besides drinking children’s blood (isn’t that a charge that the PLO throws at Israel?) I certainly think that George Soros is anti almost everything American. Don’t you?
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