Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Clinton Cutie (Updated)

Here is a candid picture of a painting that the Daily Mail reports was discovered in Jeffery Epstein’s Manhattan mansion. See: Daily Mail Article for details. The graininess of this snap suggests to me that it was not Photoshopped. However, Bill Clinton is fetching in his Lewinsky blue dress and red pumps.

Is there no end to the depravity of our current elitist culture? Just wait until the full story of Epstein’s “party friends” is revealed ...

Afterward: Anyone reminded of the latter days of the Roman Empire?

After Afterward: Here is another similar story with more interesting Clinton details and a better focused picture: Laura Loomer Story.


ChillFin said...

What makes you interpret that as being Bill Clinton?

ChillFin said...

I have a piece of toast with a grainy image of Jesus. It must be him. How many other longhaired bearded men have there been throughout history?

George W. Potts said...

And John Wilkes Booth didn’t shoot Lincoln. (See the better photo in the Afterward.)