Thursday, June 13, 2019

Silly Science

John Hinderaker of the Powerline blog points out one possible reason for the failure of many climate models to correctly predict the effect of CO2 on any warming of our Earth’s atmosphere. In particular, many climate “scientists” have assumed that this relationship is linear when, in fact, it is logarithmic ... see: Powerline Post.

OK, this makes sense. But let me add my own skeptical note. Our Earth’s warming or cooling is most certainly affected by a large number of variables ... some yet undiscovered. For scientists to focus on one single variable, CO2, because it might possibly be controllable by man and therefore must be the culprit ... is not just scientifically silly, it is dangerous.

And until such time as our current crop of unscientific scientists can build multivariate models that can accurately reproduce how our Earth has transitioned between cooling (ice ages) and warming periods with acceptable accuracy, I will continue to express my disdain for this bunch of climate charlatans.

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