Saturday, September 29, 2018

Best Evidence

There is a tenet in law that one should always seek the best evidence. In the Kavanaugh hearings, Christine Blasey Ford's attorneys presented two snippets of evidence -- the summary conclusions of the lie detector administer and an indication from the Ford's family counselor that the accuser had related her near-rape experience that fateful evening,

However, if the FBI and the Republicans are smart they are going to demand the complete set of notes from the family counselor as well as any videos, audio tapes and the complete results from the lie detector test. The FBI should also thoroughly interview both these parties.

I expect that Dr. Ford's lawyers might push back on these requests. But the door on both has been opened by the accuser and I expect a court order might be easy to obtain. If the FBI investigation comes back without this critical information, then one can rightfully conclude that the fix is in.

Footnote: The FBI should also get Christine Blasey's high school yearbook and copies of all her deleted social media postings for the last two years at least.

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