Friday, June 19, 2015

The $10 Bill

The United States has decided to replace or diminish Alexander Hamilton's visage on the $10 bill ... see: Breitbart Story. And since this a decision was made by the Obama administration, may I assume that this new replacement portrait will be of a liberal feminist? (Wouldn't that be special!) Assuming so, let us weigh some of the options:

- Susan Sarandon
- Jane Fonda
- Gloria Steinem,
- Rachel Maddow
- Hillary Clinton
- Sheila Jackson Lee
- Monica Lewinsky
- Michelle Obama
- Candy Crowley
- Rachel Dolezal
- Barbara Walters
- Barbara Boxer
- Oprah Winfrey

Enough already!

I know, I know ... the woman selected to replace (or diminish) Hamilton is supposed to be deceased.  However, since the replacement might not happen until 2020, it is certainly conceivable that, by then, one or more in the above list may no longer be vertical..


From Powerline Blog

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