Friday, April 17, 2015


The only analogy I can conger up for Hillary Clinton's campaign for president is cheese. Her ghost-written book, Hard Choices, was Swiss cheese ... full of holes ... devoid of a recital of her accomplishments in government ... and also lacking a clear vision for what she wanted to do in the White House. Her book tour was equally cheesy ... so controlled as to make her look the fool. Her defense of her private e-mail server in that U.N. press conference was again lacking in substance and class ... Cheese Whiz if you will. And now her campaign announcement and listening-tour of Iowa in the black van "Scooby " was so hokey and degrading that it stank to high heaven ... like Limburger cheese ... see: Breitbart Article.

Now our queen in pants-suits has performed a clear act of rebellion ...  she has bolted from this Iowa and Nebraska fiasco and returned to her home in Chappaqua, New York as a coach passenger on a commercial jet ... a very strange and obviously unplanned move ... see: UK Daily Mail Story. This performance must be an expression of her anger and frustration at the poor press she has been receiving in her rennet-coagulated cream campaign so far.

My senses tell me that one of two things will happen next. She will likely fire her new 35-year old campaign manager, Robert Mook ... see: Mother Jones Story ... or gasp! ... she might even throw in the towel completely and return to private life. Wouldn't that be a fond surprise in the cheese fondue?

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