Thursday, June 05, 2014

The I Word

Impeachment for President Obama is being bandied about more and more … particularly since his administration's scandals seem to be piling up faster than BMWs on a foggy San Diego freeway. The ones that are pushing even many lefties over the edge are the Veterans Administration mismanagement and Taliban prisoner swap deal … see: The Hill Story. Much as I would like our fearless leader to face this easily-justified well-of-the-Senate humiliation … it just isn’t going to happen for two reasons:

1)     President Clinton escaped this process with higher approval ratings than before he started … primarily because the gullible American public thought that it was about his assignations with Monica Lewinsky when it was really about his lying under oath. This realization that spin can easily trump truth has made the Republican Party quite gun shy (excuse the pun).
2)     No one really wants to impeach the first black American president … and Barack Obama knows it all too well. This is why we are suffering though these scandal escalations that will likely continue until the last wagyu steak has been consumed at the White House.

Even this Taliban prisoner exchange scandal still has a few wacko lefties trying to defend Obama with twisted logic and pained expressions. I guess Lincoln was right when he quipped about the various populations of foolish people. Surprisingly, I even believe that Mr. Haughty at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue may release Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (the mastermind behind the 9/11 World Trade Centers’ destruction) before he finishes rubbing American noses in the excrement left behind by his mentor, Saul Alinsky.

So we Americans will still have to suffer through 2 ½ more years of lavish presidential self-indulgences, foreign-policy disasters, and Constitution-defying domestic ukases by our tyrant wannabe. The only I-word that we will likely experience will be surrounded by “me” and “my” when we watch Obama’s chin-in-the-air Teleprompter claptrap.  

Not a very happy thought.

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