Monday, June 02, 2014


A controversy roils around the trading of five notorious Taliban fighters who had been detained in the Guantanamo Bay prison (Gitmo) in exchange for a single United States soldier, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. Most clearly President Obama’s administration had negotiated with terrorists to accomplish this swap … which is against centuries of United States’ precedent. Not so clear is the exact character of Sgt. Bergdahl. Was he captured or was he a deserter? He has denounced the United States and now speaks (supposedly) only Pashtu and his father has learned this language in sympathy with his son. In order to fill yourself in with the details of this controversy please read: New York Post Story/.

This unilateral decision on Obama’s part rubs many the wrong way … including myself. President Obama has chosen a murky circumstance to make a clear political point … that he alone is the arbitrator of justice … and the happy benefactor is a possible traitor and rat. This clearly signals that Obama believes that he has nothing to lose in his remaining presidential term. Is he purposely trying to give the Senate to the Republicans this fall? Yes, with this decision, he is appealing to the radical left. But he has also cut the legs out of many more moderate Democrats. Is his ego all that encompassing that he is willing to become at one with Sgt. Bergdahl? Very strange and unnerving.

Afterward: The New York Times provides evidence that Sgt. Bergdahl was a deserter and caused the deaths of at least two other soldiers searching for him ... see: New York Times Article. There is also evidence that he may have actively collaborated with the Taliban after his capture ... teaching them bomb making and ambush techniques ... see: Breitbart Story. With all of this, why in God's name was this rodent promoted to sergeant while he was with the Taliban?


DEN said...

I agree with you on this one, except let's not forget the Iran-contra scandal of the Regan years. Still, it sends a message that American hostages are valuable tokens, and will certainly lead to more danger for Americans. If it is true that he was a deserter, then he should be brought home - and hanged.

DEN said...

Also think you should be careful with citing "evidence" when the source of your claim is anecdotal (someone with no claim for our trust) quotes, as they oftentimes do not prove factual. If it turns out that he was a bomb-making instructor, I will publicly withdraw my objection; hope you will retract your assertion if the quote turns out to be fabricated.