Friday, June 21, 2013

The Amoeba

Single-cell amoebas eat by enveloping their prey and then adsorbing them into their bodies (remember your high-school biology microscope lessons?)  Well, one can rightly compare the Obama administration to a giant amoeba … ingesting as much of our societal constructs and business community as it has the leverage and time to accomplish.  The insidious creeping governmental incursions into the auto industry, the student loan industry, eco-friendly energy companies, comprehensive el-hi nutrition, health-care insurance companies, the home mortgage industry, etc. … all exemplify Obama’s increasingly obvious “change” agenda.

But alongside such expansionism, the current administration also seems intent on destroying that which it cannot consume … witness the coal industry, off-shore oil drilling, pipelines, non-union-shop manufacturers … and now Catholic schools (see: Bizpac Review Article).  How can our President attack one of the few institutions, parochial schools, which has been incredibly effective in educating the less fortunate?  Perhaps he just misread his teleprompter?

Along these same lines, one can garner further insights into the Obama administration’s alimentary process by reading the following article: Hoover Institute Opinion.

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