Monday, January 14, 2013

Bending the Curve

The words keep echoing in my head from Obama’s rhetoric surrounding the passage of Obamacare … “With this law we are bending down the health-care cost curve.”  Now anyone with enough sense to tie their shoes knew then that this was a lie.  How could the country pick up the cost of health insurance for 16 million more people, insure children on their parents’ policies up to age 26, and force insurance companies to accept any new policyholder even with a preexisting condition … and have this all cost less?  Now guess what?  As this legislation is being phased in (conveniently after our last Presidential election), American health-care insurance premiums are skyrocketing ... in some states by as much as a 100% … see: Wall Street Journal Story,  ABC News Story, and Forbes Magazine Story  (Read as many of these as you can up until the time you start crying.)

There is a new term circulating on the right ... the “low information voter” which is a polite way of recasting what Stalin used to call a “useful idiot.”  Yes, the cold light of dawn will eventually reach those people who believed our “Bullsh..tter-in Chief” and they will then wonder what happened to them.  But it will be too late.  As they say … you can’t unscramble an egg.  So we will have to try to live with one more crushing social entitlement program … up until the time when we can’t.  And then the fiscal cliff and debt ceiling brouhahas will appear as though they were nothing more than tremors prior to the 9.5 fiscal earthquake that will swallow up this country … except, that is, for that little oasis somewhere near Chicago.

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