Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I should be supportive of Tim Geithner because he is from my alma mater. But his performance today, explaining our country’s financial itinerary out of our current economic crisis, was sub par at best. We were told last night by the Chosen One in his prime-time address to expect great things from his new Secretary of the Treasury, the Artful (tax) Dodger. Instead of getting St. Peter, we got a peter-out. His performance was devoid of promised specifics (“were not going to give the details of this plan until we get it right”) and was long on blame for his predecessors (of which he seems to forget that he was one). And, as a result the stock market is down 382 points and Obama has had to improvise in his Ft. Myers speech and pledge to redo things early next week.

Throughout his performance Geithner had that deer in the headlights look that George Bush was often criticized for having … thus Geithner’s new nickname, Bambi.

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