Sunday, February 08, 2009

I Was Wrong …

When I predicted that, after the election was won by Obama, the Democrats and the main stream media would stop talking down the economy. In fact the drumbeat of doom and gloom has intensified to the point of near hysteria. But, I now predict (with much more confidence) that, after the Democrats’ spending (er, stimulative) bill gets passed, that suddenly, within weeks if not days, the sun will rise, the birds will be singing, and the wind of Obamania will blow away the specter of economic catastrophe. This will occur despite the fact that the true impact of these spending (er, stimulative) provisions will not kick in for months or even years (and in most cases, never).


DEN said...

How cynical. You imply that drumbeat of doom and gloom is a conspiracy designed to get public support for the passage of the spending bill.
I think you will be wrong, again. Too many people are watching - and losing their jobs. If there is any optimism reported in the media, it will be based on real progress.

George W. Potts said...

Me cynical? For someone as deeply jaded as DEN, I am aghast at the apparent naivete of his above comment. It exhibits his slavish newly-found faith in the trustworthiness of the main-stream media and her nip-and-tuck nibs, Nancy Pelosi.

DEN said...

Me naive? Jaded?

If you would try to scrape some of that crusty old partisanship off your antique pince-nez, you might perceive that there really are a lot of people losing their jobs and houses. The news reflects that.
Snide comments about Ms Pelosi's alleged cosmetic work do not advance your argument.

George W. Potts said...

Wait and see my fine horsefeathered friend. Judge me after the fact ... not before.