Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Bad Day

Joe Biden has his good days and his bad days. On his good days, his puppet masters trot him out for some scripted words and a few questions to respond to from his teleprompter. On his bad days, they keep him cocooned in his basement to minimize his gaffs and any dementia evidence.

Apparently, today is a bad day ... since he is “invisible in Delaware.”



Benedict Putin said...

Where do you get this crap and why do you continue to believe it???? Are you a Russian Bot or something? There can be no other reason. Keep America White. Make the Supreme Court Ultra Right again.

George W. Potts said...

If I am wrong, why is Joe not showing himself today? A bad case of the runs? Joe and Jill’s day? Binge watching old “Gunsmoke” episodes?