Thursday, May 31, 2018

Dark Stuff

Dark Matter Map of the Universe

I was watching PBS last night. The viewed program's subject was dark matter and dark energy ... both concepts involving lots of speculation but few facts ... a little like the Mueller Russian collusion investigation. Although scientists don't know what comprises dark matter, they have been able to map its existence in the universe. Over eleven years ago I wrote a blog on this subject in "Junkier Science" with some speculations of my own on these subjects ... see: The Dark Side ... (still holds up.)

To summarize my included speculations I suggested that dark matter and dark energy may exist in dimension(s) beyond our current known four. (If Einstein can name a metric, time, as th e fourth dimension, why can't another metric, force (gravity), be another of the supposed eleven dimensions  under string theory?

Anyway, I find this type of loopy scientific speculation to be fun. I hope you do too.

Afterward: When Einstein called gravity a "warp in the space-time continuum"' he was suggesting that it was dimensional ... a mapping a fifth dimension onto a four-dimensional world.

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