Monday, April 30, 2018


Economists often believe that they have the answers when it comes to trade offs between what things cost and the benefits derived therefrom. Well, Mr. Adam Smith, please explain the following head-scratchiers when it comes to such cost-benefit analyses that some people make:

- A Jackson Pollack "dribble" painting

- A Malibu monster beach house

- Tickets in the nose-bleed section of a December Minnesota Vikings home game

- Shares of Tesla stock

- A pre-paid future ride on a Richard Branson or Elon Musk "spaceship"

- A $100 per shot drink of 40-year-old single-malt Scotch whisky

- An Apple-Watch

- A Honus Wagner baseball card

- A cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin

- An Aston-Martin One ($1.4M)

- A luxury condo in Hong Kong


ChillFin said...

TSLA. Bought one year ago for $239, now $295

ChillFin said...

The ride on a "spaceship" seems like a thrill that, if your customers or fans gave you the wealth to afford it, is a true bucket list exprerience. Better than some art or stuff that you hope appreciates while you hoard it away.

ChillFin said...

As for Honus Wagner, he played for the "Pittsburgh Pirates" in "Pittsburgh". So where does the spelling "Pittsburg" come from?

George W. Potts said...

It also may be your bucket ...

George W. Potts said...

Hasn't it been as high as $350?

George W. Potts said...

It's a silent 'h' ...