Sunday, March 04, 2018


Canada's Pajama Boy, Justin Trudeau corrected a questioner recently when she referred to "mankind'." "No, no you must not  say that ... it's 'peoplekind,'" he whined. So, in order to correct the un-PC language of the English-speaking world, I offer to augment Justin's pennyante pedantry:

Peoplechester by the Sea, Gerpeopley, gerrypeopleder, peopleslaughter, peopleufacturing, Ropeople Holiday, peoplehole cover, ropeopletic relationship, peopleo-a-peopleo, peopleia, peopleta ray, Peoplehattan, Rapeople noodles, hupeoples, peoplese, peopledacle, etc.

And we haven't touched words containing "men" and "male." What a moron!


ChillFin said...

I believe that PC women allow that “manhole cover” has no need to be corrected.

ChillFin said...

Did you hear his statement in context? He was joking. Why do you persist in drive-by naming of anyone/anything not-Trump with a demeaning label and a tidbit of a quote. Sad !

George W. Potts said...

Oh, tempores ... oh, mores ...

ChillFin said...

Is it true that Trump will cancel the 2020 elections and declare himself president for life, with right of survivorship to his progeny but not that slovenian wench or any of those traditional inheritors of the throne, men, but instead a women to show support for diversity but not that one Taffy... Muffy... whatever, instead well I guess that means Ivanka. She is is so hot. Isn’t she? A bit stupid but together with her husband they could be half as good as me.