Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Pope Knows

Pope Francis, the heretofore darling of the world's media, has gone from solid theological grounds into a political quagmire ... calling the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, an "angel of peace" and has had the Vatican recognize Palestinian statehood .... see: Associated Press Story for details. Does this man not read the newspaper? Has he not seen that Abbas's servants have placed Israel under a firestorm of over 11,000 rockets since 2005 (see: Israel Defense Forces Numbers)?  Did he not see how last year Abbas cynically thwarted his citizens a golden opportunity for statehood ... see: The Impossible Dream? Is he confused because both angels and rockets fly through the air?

Unfortunately, His Holiness is also preparing a papal encyclical to be delivered this summer in which he is expected to ally the Catholic Church with the Church of the Moonbat CO2 Haters ... see: New York Times Story. Does Pope Francis not recall how his church was besmirched by its treatment of Galileo when he had advocated heliocentricity? When the Catholic Church starts teaching science is when it loses its luster of saintly objectivity and becomes just another pitchfork-carrying peasant preparing a bonfire for the heathen.

And most of the Christian world had such high hopes for this man when he was elected to this august post ...

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