Monday, September 15, 2014

I'm Puzzled

ISIS is clearly using its recently performed beheadings to draw the United States and possibly other infidel nations into battle within its homeland ... in what it calls the Islamic State (which isn't Islamic according to our fearless leader.) Yet the well-documented reason for the original 9/11 attacks was because the United States was defiling the holy land of Saudi Arabia with its presence. Are not these two rationales in fundamental conflict? Want you here ... don't want you here ...

Such schizophrenia on the part of a large group of heavily-armed religious fanatics is obviously a very dangerous situation ... and yes, President Obama needs to be cautious in his dealing with such a mass malady. But why hasn't he and his legions of expensive advisers figured things out by now? Despite Obama's nationally-televised "strategy" statement, it still appears to me that our ship of state is rudderless ... lacking any truly decisive direction. Words are not actions.

The longer this kinetic vacuum exists, the more concerned we all should become ...

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