Friday, August 03, 2012

The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints

Howard Hughes liked and trusted LDS (Latter Day Saints) believers.  In his dotage, when he was shuffling around with Kleenex boxes on his feet and with long, uncut fingernails, a phalanx of Los Vegas Mormons ran his finances and businesses with utmost honesty and honor.  I, myself, have known over the years a number of Mormons and have admired and respected them all.  I have found them all to be straightforward, trustworthy, and very capable.

Unfortunately there is one glaring exception to this generalization ... Harry Reid, the senior Senator from Nevada, the Democrat Majority Leader, and a Mormon.  Harry Reid is a sneaky scoundrel; a pious poltroon; a piece of pond scum; a doddering doo-doo-head; a rascally rogue; a slimy snake-in-the-grass, a black-hearted blaggard; a noxious nincompoop; a callow, craven, capricious cockroach; a mendacious magpie; and a jerky jackanape.

Two recent Harry Reid shenanigans point out how low this man can stoop (both literally and figuratively):

1) He went on the floor of the Senate and repeated, without any attribution, what is basically a libelous rumor -- that Mitt Romney had not paid any taxes for ten years.  Romney responded with "put up, or shut up."  See: Fox News Story

2) He recently cursed-out an (African-American) member of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission who dared to seem to support the storing of nuclear waste in Yucca Mountain (Nevada).  His language was inflammatory and supportive of the above pejoratives I have applied to Reid.  See: Powerline Story and note Reid's base language.

Add to this that, in my and many others' opinion, Harry Reid is a primary reason that our Congress has been in grid-lock for the last three years.  Reid controls the Senate like a maniacal martinet and will not allow any debate on the numerous House bills that have been forwarded to help get this nation back to work.  And he has also not, for this same period allowed the Senate to pass a federal budget ... one of his primary Constitutional duties.

Do I make my point?

1 comment:

DEN said...

Surprise: you don't like Harry Reid. I don't him either, because he has used his position to become stinkingly rich. But the Powerline suggestion that it was a racist attack was unsubstantiated by the quotes. In America it is still allowed to call a shit-stirrer a shit-stirrer, regardless of ethnic origin, sexual preference or religious affiliation.