Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bail? ... Bananas!

I've complained before about the fiction of Iran releasing a female American prisoner "on bail."  Iran is ready to release the last two Americans captured after straying across the Iraq border over two years ago ...  after a payment of $1 million ... called "bail" (see: $1 million Bail Payment). How can people who have been convicted of spying and sentenced be released on bail?  Let's face it, this is ransom money ... and the American media plays along with this silly narrative ... and helps to paint Iran as being less depraved than they truly are.  Bananas!! What happened to America's backbone?  Remember, "Millions for defense, not one cent for tribute" (generally attribute to Thomas Jefferson when refusing to pay ransom to the Barbary pirates in order to free American sailors).  Please, media monkeys, let's be realistic with your language for a change ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My old news motto: "Never let the facts interfere with a good story.

Walter Cronkite