Thursday, September 16, 2021

Global Warming

OK, let’s assume that our Earth’s temperature has increased one-half a degree Celsius since the Industrial Age began as our CO2 levels have doubled. (Although I contend such a metric is impossible to determine empirically.) The following article describes that, if the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere doubles once again, that the temperature effect will be about the same. See: JunkScience post..

(Would someone please explain to me how it is possible to take the temperature across the entire Earth over a full year … within a fraction of a degree no less?  I contend this is scientifically impossible … full of assumptions … and a nonsense number. IMHO, the only way we can know of any of Earth’s temperature changes is via physical evidence … localized melting or freezing.)

Afterward: I’m not a climatologist, but I suspect that there are dozens of other variables that affect global warming and cooling … both locally and globally. And, until I see the definitive effects of these other variables, I am going to be a booster of the benefits of carbon dioxide.


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