Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Immigration Thoughts

"Everything in moderation" -- Julia Child

Open-border liberals are a lot like gourmands who never seem to realize that too much of anything, even good things, can be dangerous. A few good honest hard-working (even illegal) immigrants seeking a better life could be digestible ... but not multiple thousands or even millions of them all at once. That is why rational immigration laws, policies and border barriers should be constructed  and enforced. -- Anon.


DEN said...

"Open border" liberals are a probably less than one third of all lefties. The vast majority of citizens want border protection from scumbags and invaders who just want to get free stuff.
There was even a bipartisan agreement in congress to partially fund the "barrier", but Trump changed his mind at the last minute to create this crisis.
When are you street-wise smart guys going to wise-up to Trump's con job on everyone in America? (He even lies about how many hamburgers were served!) The only emergency in US is a crisis in leadership. He is destroying the GOP and all confidence in Republicans in senate to do their job, (which is NOT kissing the president's...whatever.)

George W. Potts said...

Sure Trump us fast and loose ... but he is now going to get REAL border security or go down in flames trying.

DEN said...

Just for the record I have plenty of scorn reserved for the knee-jerk liberal Dems who voted for a barrier before Trump made it his issue, but now say it is Un-American to enforce border security with a wall. Trump's "policies" (tweets) show that he is actually a big-government autocrat who has fooled conservatives into thinking that he speaks for them. It's just batshit crazy that fundamental Christians still support an amoral serial philanderer who doesn't know anything about scripture and wants the government to control the economy. Sounds like a godless commie to me!