Thursday, September 21, 2017


The California legislature is proposing that a prerequisite for getting on their presidential ballot in 2020 would be that candidates must release their federal tax returns ... see: The Hill Article. Now this stricture is obviously directed at Donald Trump and is likely unconstitutional. But when would this cause California moonbats to worry about this ancient piece of parchment created by dead white guys? But tying up a political process in the courts is a standard progressive cheap trick ... particularly since they have a lock on many of the lower-court judges.

However, this calculated loonyness does give me some ideas for what other states might require of their candidates for federal offices:

- A valid birth certificate (meeting an actual Constitutional requirement)

- College applications and transcripts for all schools attended

- For Senators: State tax returns from the state represented

- For Representatives: Local real-estate tax forms and utility bills in the district represented

- Full medical records including any STD diagnoses

- Full police records including all charges that have been broomed

- All local, state and federal voting records

- History of all Internet porn site references

- All kindergarten finger paintings and Play-Doh moldings



ChillFin said...

I do agree with releasing 1040 pages of tax returns of presidential candidates; further, I think the IRS should do it or they should at least certify that was released is correct. Do it for the past five years.

ChillFin said...

I agree with your suggestions down to voting records. That's private as is the remainder of the list.

ChillFin said...

I'd add that you reveal global real estate holdings, and immigration records of spouse(s).